A woman looking concerned at her skin for acne in a mirror.

At-home popping can create a slew of problems, making professional care vital in acne treatment


We all hate breakouts when they occur, and it can be very tempting to squeeze them in an attempt to get rid of them quickly – but there are plenty reasons not to do exactly that. When you pop a pimple, you are actually making it harder for your skin to heal and can generate additional breakouts. On top of ripping open your skin, which can create discolorations as the lesion heals, the dirt and bacteria from your fingers can cause infection. Popping pimples can also lead to scabbing, or even scarring (much worse than a temporary pimple).


Skincare professionals can perform an extraction instead, which is much more hygienic. They use a tool specifically designed to unblock clogged pores, wear gloves and clean the area as they go.


Everyone’s breakouts are a little different and require different treatments – everything from daily cleansers with benzoyl peroxide for regular breakouts, to spot treatments for the occasional pimple. Acne Cream and Acne Gel are expertly formulated spot treatments for breakouts. Bonus: Acne Gel can be used full face! For a recommendation of how to treat your acne, visit a PCA SKIN skincare professional for a skin analysis.